H3 Daily

Friday, March 27, 2015

March Madness Drill Workout by Johnathan Grimwood

In celebration of NCAA March Madness, Hilton Head Health has the perfect drill fitness workout for all you NCAA fans out there. Get ready to get into the game. Grab a basketball, a few cones and let's take this workout outside!

Here's some notes on the drills from the video:

1. Shuffle Sequence - 5 times

Note: To complete this sequence set up 4 cones or markers about 12 feet away from each other in a box formation.

  • Run foward (starting at the back right cone, moving forward to the front right cone)

  • Side shuffle (move to the left from the front right cone to the front left cone)

  • Back Pedal (starting at the front left cone, moving backward to the back left cone)

  • Side shuffle (move to the right from the back left cone to the back right cone)

2. Grounded Chest Pass - 10 times

  • Perform this motion just like a chest pass but bounce the ball into the ground.

3. Jump Tuck or Modification - 10 times

4. Basketball Side Slams - 10 times

  • Perform this move just like an overhead pass but bounce the ball into the ground.

Repeat this set 4 times for a fun workout.


What type of workout would you like to see us create on our blog?  Leave us a comment or send us an email at getinspired@hhhealth.com.

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