H3 Daily

Friday, April 30, 2010

Tip of the Day

Relax! Unwind from the week by spending 15 minutes meditating or performing deep breathing exercises.

Fitness Friday: Kettlebells



Are you looking for a quick way to build lean muscle while also improving your cardiovascular fitness?  Well, Kettlebells are the answer.  While Kettlebells provide a quick workout, I must emphasize, it’s not easy!


What are Kettlebells?

An ancient Russian strength training mechanism, Kettlebells are quickly gaining popularity in today’s fitness world.  Kettlebells are round cast-iron weights with a single looped handle on the top.  They range in weight from two to over 100 pounds.  These bowling ball sized balls are popping up in fitness classes and gyms around the country. 


What’s the hype really all about?

Unlike dumbbell weight training workouts which focus mostly on a single muscle group through isolation, Kettlebell training recruits your entire body all at the same time (compound movements).  This type of training forces you to use your muscle groups synergistically – moving as a coordinated whole.  Bottom line – not only will you develop strength, but improve flexibility and cardio all at the same (shorter amount of) time!


How to get started

Kettlebell training can be tricky, so it’s best to start slowly.  In the video below, H3 Fitness Director Adam Martin, shows us the basic Kettlebell swing.  It may look easy at first, but to avoid injury, it is very important to have correct form and technique.  Make sure you start with a very light weight (or none at all) to practice the correct movements and when you feel comfortable, gradually increase your weight.


A great way to mix up your circuit routine is to add a set of Kettlebell swings.  Add a 30 second interval between your sets for a quick, heart rate pumping cardio burst.  If 30 seconds is too easy, try moving up to one minute.  If you are looking for an entire Kettlebell workout, reach out to your nearby gym for a personal training session.



Now that you know the basics of Kettlebells, you can add a little variety to your existing routine and watch as you improve your strength and muscle tone. 


Have a swinging Friday!



Source: http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/equipment/qt/Kettlebells.htm

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tip of the Day

Take advantage of opportunities! You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Meet Wellness Counselor, Beth Leermakers

Beth Leermakers

If you missed yesterday's Who's Who weekly update email, here is your chance to learn more about our Wellness Counselor, Beth Leermakers.


Dr. Beth Leermakers earned her B.S. degree in Psychology from Duke University and her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Florida.  As a Certified Lifestyle Counselor in Weight and Stress Management, Beth has more than 15 years of experience in the cognitive-behavioral treatment of obesity.  Her past experiences include Director of Education at the LEARN Institute for Lifestyle Management, as well as Program Director at the Cooper Institute in Texas.  In January of 2008 – wishing to be closer to family – Beth accepted the position of Hilton Head Health Wellness Counselor and packed her bags for the east coast.


Beth’s main responsibilities at H3 include leading discussions on stress management, stress eating, body image and motivation, as well as conducting Health Habit Review sessions and Individual Consultations.  Her goal is to help individuals discover what’s interfering with their healthy lifestyle behaviors and find strategies to overcome these barriers.  She finds that the first step is to help the Guest realize that they need to make health a priority.


According to Beth, “one of the highlights of my job is seeing when Guests, who are initially very shy and scared, start to feel more comfortable and come out of their shell.  We’re able to create such a safe and nurturing environment, that each Guest really has the opportunity to blossom and share.”  Beth’s passion is driven by seeing Guests really open up and rediscover passions that they’ve put on hold for so many years.


When Beth’s not supporting Guests at H3, you can find her at the beach with her two dogs or volunteering at animal rescue.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tip of the Day

Inspect your sodium intake! Decrease sodium intake to less than 2400mg/day.


Employees at H3 Walking

Don’t forget your tennis shoes because today is National Walk@LunchDay.  In yesterday’s post, Tips for a Healthy Cubicle, I gave you a few tips to keep your healthy habits throughout the work-day.  National Walk@LunchDay encourages you to incorporate physical activity into your work day and encourages you to increase your daily physical activity by walking at lunch every day. 


We all know the benefits of walking, but in case you forgot:

-  Decrease your risk of a heart attack and type-2 diabetes

-  Control your weight

-  Improve your muscle tone

-  Reduce your stress


Bring your lunch and walk for half of your break or make a date with a co-worker to walk to and from your favorite lunch spot.  Even if it is only for 10 minutes, make it a point to pencil in your walk to your daily task list. 


Worksite wellness is on the rise with companies implementing programs to keep their employees healthy and productive.  Not only does this help the company’s health care costs, but improves the lives of every individual, therefore affecting the company as a whole.


Here at H3, we have decided to expand our Healthy Lifestyle program into something that companies can experience on-site.  Sure, you may miss out on the peacefulness of a sunrise beach walk, but through our program offerings, you can build a personalized program for your company including on-site visits, group workshops, webinars and more!


Take the initiative to create a culture of health at your workplace.  Bringing your healthy lifestyle into the workplace seems like a no brainer, as it’s where we spend most of our time! 


Now, lace up your shoes and get out there and WALK.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tip of the Day

Flaxseeds are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids. To regularly consume flax seeds, sprinkle them on your cereal, salads, and sandwiches or put in soups and stews.

Tips for a Healthy Cubicle

the office

Over and over I hear from the Guests here at H3, ‘I bet it’s easy to stay on track when you get to work at a place like this’ or ‘I bet it would be easy to stay in shape if I worked here’.  Well, for the most part, that’s true.

I had the privilege of spending the last 16 weeks of my college career as a Program Intern here at H3.  For those 16 weeks, I was immersed in the healthy lifestyle, eating the meals, teaching classes, attending classes and interacting with Guests.  It was a part of my life that I will never forget, and still apply what I learned from that experience into my job now.

Now, instead of leading a treading class or beach walk, I sit at a desk in an office for most of the day.  I love what I do; I get to spread the word of what a great place and program we have here at H3 with those who are looking to make the changes, as well as keep alum of H3 connected!

Unfortunately, the environment of the program is not as present, and you can find it a bit easier to slip out of your healthier habits.  So, I try to keep in mind the things I created as habits in my lifestyle four years ago during my program internship, and apply them to my now desk – life.

Here are a few tips that work well for me:

-  If you can, sneak in a workout first thing in the morning.  After a long day of work, with errands and commitments looming, an afternoon sweat session is usually the first to go.  Luckily, I am very close to a gym, so I can roll out of bed and be there in less than 5 minutes.  If you aren’t, try walking or jogging near your house or even try out an exercise video.  Promise yourself 30 minutes in the morning to get in your cardio or strength training.

- Invest in a large water bottle.  If you don’t have a water fountain near, a large water bottle is a necessity.  Keep it on your desk so that you are sure to get in enough water during the day.  Drink water instead of hitting up the soda machine!  It will also help you feel full, keeping ‘boredom’ hunger at bay.

- Stock your desk with healthy snacks.  The number one thing I took from H3 is to eat a Metabo Meal – a healthy snack in between meals.  Every few days or so, I visit the nearest grocery and grab a few apples, oranges, low fat cheese sticks, nut & dried fruit mix, carrot sticks and hummus to keep handy.  It’s when I am not prepared, do I go wandering for other (unwise) snacks…

- Try to limit my lunches out.  I am fortunate again to work very close to home, so I try to eat at home most days of the week.  If I know I am going to have a busy day, I try to wake up and pack a quick lunch – whole grain PB & J, fruit, and a few crackers.  In our office, we plan a ‘payday’ lunch – make a lunch date for every other Friday J  That way eating out is a treat, not an everyday affair.

- Walk around as much as possible.  Instead of emailing or using the phone, I walk to another’s office with questions.  Not only does it usually get done quicker, it gets me up and moving from my desk.  If you bring your lunch, you can also spend 15 – 20 minutes on a quick walk.

- Be prepared.  This is the most important part of making any healthy lifestyle plan work.  At first it may take a little more time planning, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature.  I try to pack my gym clothes (if I missed the morning workout) so I can head straight to the gym without having to stop at home first.  And as mentioned before, I pack my lunch, water bottle and snacks so I can make the ‘best’ food choices.

These are just a few things I have learned while in the working world, but they help make living a healthy lifestyle much easier for me.  Hopefully you can take from them and apply them to your routine.

If you work in an office, do you have any other tips to stay on track?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Tip of the Day

Try eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day.  It works to increase your metabolism and keep your satiated.

Just another Manic Monday

Back to reality, back to the grind.  

If today has you feeling a little stressed and overwhelmed, try the following to relax:


Take a Walk
Walking is a great way to clear your head and to get in a healthy dose of aerobic exercise at the same time! Leave your worries behind and focus on the fresh air for a little while.


Write in a Journal
Venting is a healthy way to get rid of unwanted stress. Your journal is a great outlet because you don't have to worry what others may think or say about your feelings. Once you're finished writing, at least some of the weight will be lifted from your shoulders and your thoughts will be less clouded.


Take a Hot Bath
Taking a long bath slows down both your mind and body and melts away anxiety. Go all out with suds, music, and candles if you want! By the time you dry off, you’ll feel refreshed and energized.


Relaxing music
Listening to relaxing music and sounds can help you clear your mind after a busy day. Whether you listen to tapes, CDs, MP3 downloads or Podcasts, you can find a recording that will help you fall asleep easier, meditate, beat stress, and more. Many stores sell relaxation CDs, which may contain music, nature sounds, or guided meditations.


Deep breathing
An easy and convenient way to relax, it is the core of many other relaxation techniques. You can practice deep breathing anywhere. Simply take ten deep breaths, lifting your chest to fill your lungs completely and then exhaling all the way. Each breath will relax your body a little bit more and you will feel the tension seep out of your muscles


Progressive muscular relaxation (PMR)
PMR helps release muscle tension. Your muscles tighten as one of the first signs of stress and can become a real pain in the neck (or lower back). But this pain doesn't have to be a way of life. PRM is simple yet effective at reducing pain and enhancing relaxation. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Start by tightening a group of muscles, such as your fists, as much as possible. Hold this tension for a few seconds and then relax the muscles. Once your muscles are relaxed, consciously soften them even further in order to be as relaxed as possible.

Once you have mastered tensing and relaxing your fists, you can move on to other muscles groups and then to your entire body. Apply the same technique, starting at your feet, and working upward. It takes just 10 to 20 minutes to completely relax your entire body. To get the most relaxation possible, try combining PMR with deep breathing.


Mental imagery
Mental imagery, or the picture in your mind's eye, can help you regroup and relax. Picture an idyllic and peaceful scene, such as a meadow or a beach, and use all of your senses. Do you smell jasmine in the air? Can you hear the birds singing and feel the light breeze on your skin? Your body can’t tell the difference between a thought and a real event, so bring your peaceful scene to mind the next time you’re feeling anxious. This "mini vacation" will help you feel refreshed, as if you’d really visited to a tropical paradise.

You can also visualize the stress flowing out of your body or running off your back like water. This imagery is particularly useful at work if you don’t have much privacy. Instead of grabbing another cup of coffee the next time your boss changes a deadline on you, picture the stress flowing peacefully out of your body from your head to your toes and start smiling.


Meditation is the conscious act of focusing on one thought, object, or word. This deliberate focus occupies your mind and diverts your attention away from the problems that are causing you stress. Many people who meditate claim that it helps boost their creativity and ability to solve problems by allowing subconscious thoughts to arise to conscious awareness. But meditation isn’t far out or mystical. Like deep breathing, you can do it anywhere and without specialized training.

Sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax your body, concentrating on breathing rhythmically. Feel your breath and focus on each breath you take. Thoughts will come to mind, but just let them pass without giving them any attention. You can also focus your attention on a phrase, such as a positive affirmation, an object, such as a candle flame, or a comforting word like "calm." Try clearing your mind for 15 minutes in the morning and again before you go to sleep, gradually increasing the amount of time you meditate each day.



Source: www.sparkpeople.com

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tip of the Day

To help with mental toughness while running, practice a complex math problem, or just try to figure out your pace.

Friday Fitness: 30 Minute BURN

Short on time?  This 30-minute interval workout is quick, but will increase your calorie and fat burn as well as increase aerobic capacity.


The good news is you can do this routine while walking or running outdoors or on the treadmill, elliptical or bike. Personalize it to your own fitness level by using your ‘rating of perceived exertion’ (RPE) or how hard you feel like you’re working.


On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 meaning very little exertion (walking slowly) and 10 meaning full‐out effort (sprinting as fast as you can), you judge what speed or resistance is best for you.



5 minutesWarm – Up2
5 minutesEasy3
2 minutesModerate6
2 minutesEasy3
2 minutesModerate6
2 minutesHard7
2 minutesEasy3
2 minutesModerate6
4 minutesEasy3
4 minutesCool – down2

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Do your part: Earth Day 2010

Combating Global Warminng


Earth Day 2010 is not just about recycling or climate change – it’s about better health.  Low levels of pollution have been found to increase asthma risks, lead to inflammation in the blood vessels, and increase the risk of recurring heart attacks. The effects of pollution and respiratory disease, heart disease, and cancer are clearly evident.


My question is why has it become socially acceptable to dismiss simple changes that could ultimately improve the quality of our environment/health? My challenge to you is to educate yourself.  Follow the simple flow chart above as well as the useful tips below and strive to become healthier and GREENer this Earth Day!



-Use only the water you need and reuse when possible.

-Use biodegradable and environmentally friendly cleaning products.

-Dispose of solid and liquid wastes as well as medications safely.



-Use human powered modes of transportation. (ie. Biking/Walking)

-Pass on gas! Take public transportation or carpool.

-Keep the right house plants in your home to improve indoor air quality.

-Buy locally or grow your own food.

-Plant a tree, or many trees!



-Use pesticides safely.

-Learn how to compost.



-Choose energy-saving appliances; (ie.Energy Star).

- Go renewable! Create your own power from wind, sun, water and biofuels.








Source: www.epa.gov


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tip of the Day

Work on your balance anywhere!  Stand on one foot while in line at the grocery store or while brushing your teeth.

Try a Fruit or Veggie: Spring Edition

What’s In Season?  Add one of these spring season fruits and vegetables to your weekly meal plan for variety – who knows, you might find your new favorite!



Actually an unopened flower bud, artichokes are a staple of Mediterranean cuisine.  One large artichoke contains only 25 calories, no fat, 170 milligrams of potassium, and is a good source of vitamin C, folate, magnesium and dietary fiber. 

How to Select
Choose plump artichoke heads with tightly closed leaves, heavy for size.
Pull back one leaf to check heart for black blemishes.
During winter, white, blistered or bronze appearance does not affect quality.

How to Store
Refrigerate artichokes in plastic bag up to one week. Keep dry to prevent mold growth.

Try it
Serve this dip as an appetizer or add it to your favorite sandwich in place of dressings, H3 Mediterranean Artichoke Dip



Apricots are originally from China. Their skin color can range from cream to bright orange. These little fruits are low in fat, free of saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and are high in potassium and fiber. 

How to Select
Choose apricots that are plump, firm and uniformly colored.

How to Store
Store apricots at room temperature until ripe then in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for 3-5 days.

Try it
A perfect appetizer for parties or get-together, the H3 Saucy Apricot N’ Spice Meatballs



Mangos are the most widely consumed fruit in the world.  Low fat; saturated fat free; sodium free; cholesterol free; high in vitamin A; good source of vitamin C.  You can enjoy mangoes in many ways – mango salsa, smoothie blends, mango tea, a frozen treat, add to a traditional kabob, or even replace the fruit on your PB & J!

How to Select
Choose slightly firm mangos with sweet aroma. Avoid sap on skin.

How to Store
Store mangos at room temperature 1-2 days. Refrigerate peeled, cut mangos.

Try It
For breakfast or a quick afternoon treat, whip up the H3 Mango Smoothie & Mango-Green Tea Smoothie


Swiss Chard
The stems of Swiss chard look a little like celery and can be green, red or rainbow-colored- a mixture of red, pink, orange and yellow.  In the ‘greens’ family, Swiss Chard belongs to the same family as beets and spinach and shares a similar taste profile: it has the bitterness of beet greens and the slightly salty flavor of spinach leaves. These greens also rank very high in nutritional value as they are fat free, cholesterol free, good source of magnesium, excellent source vitamins A and C.   

How to Select
Select chard with fresh green leaves; avoid those that are yellow or discolored.

How to Store
Store unwashed leaves in plastic bags in the crisper in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.

Try It
Pair the H3 Pickled Onions and Swiss Chard with your favorite fish or lean meat entree.


Source: http://www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org

Tip of the Day

Add walking lunges to the end of a run or walk, it helps add strength training to your day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tip of the Day

Uncover a new lifestyle activity. Gardening or walking the dog can become an enjoyable part of the daily routine!

Healthy Marketing

Healthy Ad Campaign


In the hype of the Double Down, that repulsive fried chicken and bacon-y beast, we can conclude that a disgustingly unhealthy product can be successfully marketed on strength of novelty alone.   However, does it make you consider--why is marketing healthy foods like fruit and produce nearly nonexistent?   Why don’t we ever see an ad on TV for broccoli?   Why is this nation so obsessed with obesity, yet we do nothing besides push detrimental alternatives?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tip of the Day

Eat your calories, don’t drink them.

I challenge you to...relax

Each month, the employees here at H3 take on the same principles as our Guests, as we challenge ourselves to modify our behaviors, one step at a time, to a healthier way of living.  Our employee wellness program, Operation HEALTH, is our motivation to continue making the best choices and improve our health so that we can help others do the same.


This month, our challenge is to RELAX.  Our busy lifestyles – with work, children, families, etc. – can leave us frazzled and leaving little time to ‘stop and smell the roses’.


I challenge you to join us – in taking at least 15 minutes out of your day to enjoy the quiet through journaling, meditating, yoga or other forms of relaxation techniques.  H3 Wellness Counselor, Beth Leermakers, shares how to re-create her class featuring Progressive Muscle Relaxation on your own.


Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) helps release muscle tension. Your muscles tighten as one of the first signs of stress and can become a real pain in the neck (or lower back). But this pain doesn't have to be a way of life.  PMR is simple yet effective at reducing pain and enhancing relaxation. 


You can practice progressive muscle relaxation while lying down or sitting in a chair.  Tense each muscle group for 5-7 seconds, then release and relax it for 20-30 seconds.  Tense and relax each muscle group at least once.  If a particular muscle group is particularly tight, you may want to tense and relax that group up to five times. 


Muscle Group




Hands and forearmsClench your fists, palm down, and bring your hands toward your shoulders
Upper armsBend your elbows and “make a muscle” by tensing your biceps
Upper foreheadRaise your eyebrows and wrinkle your forehead
Lower foreheadPull your eyebrows together; try to get them to meet
EyesClose your eyes tightly (be careful if you wear contacts)
JawOpen your mouth wide
LipsPress your lips together, but try not to clench your teeth or jaw
Neck and backPut your head back against the back of your chair
ShouldersShrug your shoulders up toward your ears
ChestTake a deep breath and hold it for 5-7 seconds, then release it
StomachPull your stomach in toward your back
Lower backArch your back without straining
ButtocksTighten your buttocks
Thighs and calvesStraighten and tense your legs and curl your toes downward
Shins and feetBend your toes toward your knees


I challenge you to try it…I promise you won’t regret it!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tip of the Day

Never completely eliminate foods from your diet – eat the favorites in smaller amounts (cookies, fries, etc.).

Friday Fitness: H3 Boot Camp

It’s a beautiful spring Friday afternoon – who wants to exercise indoors?  Not me!  Braving the pollen, I will take my workout outside for a boost of energy and enjoy the great outdoors.


Not only can I up my daily dose of Vitamin D, I will also be performing weight bearing exercise, both which help form and maintain strong bones!


Today, I’m going to re-create Amber’s Outdoor Boot Camp Circuit.  I challenge you to join me!



5 Rounds of:

10 Jumping Jacks

9 Squats

8 Lunges

7 Up-downs

6 Mountain Climbers

5 Push-ups

Laps 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


How did you do?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tip of the Day

It’s about the journey, not the destination. Remember how far you’ve come.

Unleash Your Inner Yogi

Beach Yoga

As a blog contributor here at H3, I also spend my time reading other’s fitness and health blogs.  It’s a great way to keep up with the newest trends in the field - and to keep myself inspired by new topics to share with you! 


A few weeks ago, I saw a post about this really cool yoga mat, appropriately named the Trainer Mat.  For those new to yoga or those wanting to learn, this mat is perfect for you!  Each mat has a different stretch or exercise program illustrated on the top, ranging from yoga to Pilates to golf based stretching. 


Once considered a technique for stress reduction and relaxation, yoga is proven to promote numerous health benefits that go well beyond the emotional and spiritual aspects. Incorporating yoga into your fitness routine will increase your flexibility and strength, improve your posture, lower your blood pressure, increase your cardiovascular endurance and relieve painful areas (just to name a few). Its popularity has continued to grow because of its adaptability to all fitness levels.


The Yoga Trainer Mat has 28 essential yoga poses printed on the mat, as well as video instruction on their website.  The mat is also eco-friendly and comes with a lifetime warranty.  To see more photos and even a test video, visit their website here.


Beach Yoga is quite the hit here at H3, and with heightened interest by our guests, Hilton Head Health has developed Yoga Retreat, a three-day workshop focusing specifically on the different types and techniques of yoga.  Whether you are a yoga novice or enthusiast, you will gain a new appreciation for and enjoy the physical and mental health benefits that this activity offers. This workshop is facilitated by H3 Yoga Instructor, Karen Verechia.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tip of the Day

Find another alternative to eating when you are bored, tired, or lonely.

H3 Recipe and Demo: California Chicken Wrap

Add the H3 California Chicken Wrap to your lunch menu and you are sure to be satisfied!  Packed with colorful veggies and a punch of lean protein, this quick and easy recipe just got easier thanks to H3 Chef Brandon’s kitchen tips.


How to Cut and Peel an Avocado

Observe this quick, easy, mess – free method to cutting and peeling an avocado.  And the grand finale – removing the seed!


How to Cut a Bell Pepper

H3 Chef Brandon gives you the easiest method to 'de-core' and slice a bell pepper in a few easy steps.



1 each Whole Wheat Tortilla

1 each Avocados (¼ per person)

1 each Roma tomatoes

2 leafs Romaine Lettuce

½ each Red onions, julienned

1 each Yellow peppers, julienned

2 (4oz.) Chicken breast, boneless, skinless, grilled (3 strips/person)

2 T. Ranch Dressing, 1 tablespoon per person



-  Cut all vegetables.  (Watch the video demos for tips!)

-  Grill chicken, and then cut into four slices.

-  Cut wheat tortillas in half, and then warm in microwave.

-  Place dressing on tortilla first, then fill with the rest of the ingredients.

-  Wrap tortilla up and stick with toothpick.


Number of Servings: 2

Serving size: 1 wrap

Calories: 304

Fat: 10

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tip of the Day

Ditch the keys! Start “active commuting” by riding a bike or walking to work.

Preparing for a workout? Don’t forget your pre-workout snack!

Have you ever wondered whether you should eat before a workout?  The answer is yes!  Eating the right type of foods before a workout can help you perform better physically AND mentally!  Think about how hard those last few minutes of exercise can be when your stomach is growling and your energy is dwindling…


Everyone may have a different opinion about what works best for their body, and usually figuring out the best combination takes practice.  (IE: don’t test out a new snack on the day of an important fitness event!)


Think simple, quick carbohydrates and very little fats and proteins.   Make sure to eat 30 minutes to an hour before you begin.


Try these healthy and easy snack ideas:


- Fruit: handful of grapes, small apple or half a banana

- ½ Cup of 100% Fruit Juice

- ¼ - ½ Cup of cereal or pretzels

- 1 rice cake + 1 Tbsp. peanut butter

- 4 – 6 ounces of fat free yogurt


If you tend to have a sensitive stomach, make sure to eat at least an hour before your workout, and include a mix of low-fiber and low-fat foods.  Skip peanut butter and high-fiber cereals, as they will stay in your stomach longer.  Stick with the banana, low-fat yogurt, or try a whole wheat English muffin.


What is your go-to pre-workout snack?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tip of the Day

Try a GNU bar. At 130 calories and 12 grams of fiber these bars are a perfect metabo meal!



Chip and Dan Heath, the bestselling authors of Made to Stick , have once again struck literary gold with their newest hit SWITCH .  The tandem set out to dispel the myth that “change is hard” and “people hate change.”  It occurred to them that if “people hate change, they have a funny way of showing it. Every iPhone sold serves as counter-evidence. So does every text message sent, every corporate merger finalized, every aluminum can recycled. And we haven’t even mentioned the biggest changes: Getting married. Having kids. (If people hate change, then having a kid is an awfully dumb decision.)”


Their researched churned up some very intriguing studies from world renowned psychologists around the globe.  The evidence is presented in a “three-part framework”.  For things to change, somebody somewhere has to start acting differently.  Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s your team.  The analogy that develops throughout the text is that each person has an emotional “Elephant” side and a rational “Rider” side.  The weakness of the Elephant, our emotional and instinctive side, is clear: It’s lazy and skittish, often looking for the quick payoff (ice cream cone) over the long-term payoff (being thin).  Most of us are all too familiar with situations in which our Elephant overpowers our Rider.  The Elephant’s hunger for instant gratification is the opposite of the Rider’s strength, which is the ability to think long-term, to plan, to think beyond the moment.  However, the argument is made that the Elephant also has enormous strengths and that the Rider has crippling weaknesses.  So the objective is to “Direct the Rider” and “Motivate the Elephant”.  Dan and Chip effectively communicate the ways in which to do both. 


The third part of the framework is that every Elephant and Rider need a clear path to succeed.  Therefore, tweaking the environment around you to influence your change is vital to your success.  A similar argument made in Bryan Wansink’s book Mindless Eating (btw, a Bob Wright favorite), where he proves that plate size influences eating habits.


So to make a Switch you must: Direct the Rider, Motivate the Elephant and Shape the Path. 


I found the most insightful part of the book was when Chip and Dan Heath describe that successful switches happen when people find the bright spots meaning we should investigate what’s working and clone it!


I really enjoyed Switch and I think you will too!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tip of the Day

Eat like a farmer. Visit a local farm stand or market before they close for the season!

H3 Recipe and Demo Video: Super 6 Smoothie

Two Demos in one week!  Watch as Elvira whips up the H3 Super Six Smoothie.



H3 Super Six Smoothie

Make a delicious dent in your daily nutrient needs with this quick, high fiber, liquid power breakfast, combining six ‘super foods’ for super health.  Enjoy a smoothie this weekend for breakfast or split the recipe for the perfect afternoon Metabo!

Super Foods: Nuts, Flax, Berries (black and blue are the best), seaweed, mango and yogurt.



1 Tablespoon raw almond slices

1 Tablespoon ground Flax

¼ cup organic berries (blue, black, raspberries)

½ cup mango nectar

¼ cup low fat plain yogurt

1 Tablespoon fat free protein powder with Spirulina

½ cup ice



Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and process on high for 2 minutes.  Drink and serve immediately.


Yield: about 10 ounces

Calories: 218

Fats: 5.5


Visit our YouTube channel for other great cooking demos and tips and the Member’s Only website for over 200 H3 Recipes!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tip of the Day

Listen to your body. Be aware of your limits! The better you understand your body the more enjoyable exercise becomes.

T-minus 3 Days Until Total Artery Annihilation


KFC is revealing a new sandwich in 3 days that looks to revolutionize the fast food industry.  I mean, why use a bun when you have fried chicken?  The new “Double Down” sandwich is a combination of two slabs of fried chicken holding together two pieces of bacon, two melted slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese and Colonel's Sauce.  Evidently no vegetables were harmed in the making of this sandwich.   And, if there is a chance you’re feeling health conscious, you could opt for the grilled version.  So the obvious question is, what’s going to happen to all the buns?  KFC ensures us that they will donate the "unneeded" bread, giving "both buns and funds to food banks across the country."


Many speculated that this was announced as an April Fool’s joke, but to our amazement they have posted a countdown clock, eerily resembling a bomb,  to guarantee its debut.  Are you excited?  I’m assuming the only person thrilled with this unveiling is your local cardiologist.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tip of the Day

Start with modifying small changes throughout the day. After all, the little things make the big difference!

Get H3 Inspired: Colleen Palmiter

H3 Get Inspired Collen Palmiter


“…there is not a day that goes by that something that touched me at Hilton Head Health (H3) doesn’t, positively, creep up in my day to day life.  Attending the 10 day program with my husband, Brad, was the best thing we could have ever done for each other.  And I encourage other couples to share the experience together even if one party is fitter than the other – sharing the program helps bring it home.  My husband has changed in how he supports me and how he pushes me to accomplish my daily goals.  The competition that has been the undertone of our marriage has ceased and we are now exercise equals and on the same team – I had always felt inadequate next to him – now I do not – hey, I can out run him in distance (not speed)!  Learning to push myself within my own boundaries and not at the same level as the person next to me has also helped me continue this quest for overall good health and Brad’s respect and support as I go at my own pace and not his has made all the difference for me.  I so love this!


Today I ran 5.5 miles!  I could not stop running – imagine that – me not talking myself out of going farther!  I attribute this to H3 and all the encouragement and support I received from the most wonderful trainers there.  Several months ago, I would be working on this Sunday – mentally exhausting myself with accounting and other business related paperwork to catch up or get ahead for the week ahead.  Today, I desire to go and do something for at least an hour or more or else I feel stiff, sluggish, unaccomplished!  Because of the continued physical activity, I seem to mentally manage my time better and - very big for me – I have completely gotten off caffeine of any kind and kicked my Excedrin addiction!


My weight continues to go down – I am down 16 pounds since I entered H3!  I go to the gym and work out on the equipment if I can’t get outside to run or take my dogs for a long walk.  And I met with a weight trainer at the gym to begin the weight training component of increasing my metabolism and toning up this squeaky body- which I attribute to Adam counseling me on my sluggish metabolism after finding out what my metabolic rate is.  Knowing this has also made a mental difference for me.  I left knowing what my true calorie limits are.  And I have consciously been looking at food differently since then – I forever hear Bob saying “Unwise, Better, Best” and hear this daily when making choices.  Also, the one glass of wine with dinner when we eat out rule seems to be easier than I thought it would be!  And yes, I have repeated “Alcohol dissolves resolve” repeatedly when I am tempted with that 2nd class of wine!  Brad and I often share an entrée after eating a nice salad before dinner.  Remarkably, we seem to feel better leaving satisfied and not over stuffed.


Another thing that comes up every day in my head (and this is really funny to me because it is constant) is hearing Amber yelling “YOU CAN DO ANYTHING FOR A MINUTE!” and when I reach a minute at the gym on the elliptical and increase the resistance and it is hard – I hear her say “YOU CAN DO ANYTHING FOR 2 MINUTES!” and you know what?  Yes, I can!  I bet she didn’t know she would be haunting my exercise thoughts beyond H3!


I love my sneakers!  Another “best thing I could have done” – be personally fitted for sneakers!


I have also rearranged the way I cook meals – I love to cook and am known as an incredible cook to all who know me.  So, my biggest challenge has been to learn how to modify my recipes so they are healthier for all of us- and most importantly, still as tasty as they always have been.  I learned a few tricks participating in the cooking demos at H3 and everyone so far is not complaining.  I also have hired a chef to prepare dinners and snacks (metabo meals) for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for us so we have healthy dinners waiting for us after our long work days.  These 4 days are our downfall days with food because we have no time because of work to prepare and sit down to a meal before 9 pm – we have known all along that this needed to change.  This will be a solution for us – tonight [Chef] Robert will bring us sample meals that he has prepared from the H3 cookbook – we are very excited!


When I arrived at H3 I was physically and mentally defeated.  I could not intellectually figure out how to begin to fix years of physical and mental neglect.  I had a wakeup call in the ER in December when I was rushed there by ambulance for a possible heart attack and when the cardiologist told me I needed to change my life or else I could die – I was very frightened.  Turning 50 in February and hearing this news, stepping on the scale and hating the number but not being able to get a grip was a very low point in my life.  Today I am like a new woman – maybe I was re-born at H3 because when I was there I felt like a child again , smiling joyfully as I tried new things - pushing myself while learning to have fun being active and physically exerting myself!  My goal for the future is to continue to lose weight – I would like to lose another 20-25 pounds which I know I can do – yes I can, to get off blood pressure meds, to continue to enjoy exercise and activity and not let food be the enemy anymore.  To share a healthy future with my husband – my team mate, my best friend.


I think that is all for now although I could go on and on – but I think you get it – the experience at H3 was the best experience for my overall well being and continues to positively influence me to this day. Period!  They [Adam, Amber, Bob, Beth and other H3 Program Staff] should know the positive influence they have had on me.  And my life.”

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tip of the Day

Increase your dietary fiber intake. You’ll not only feel fuller, but it helps control your weight.

H3 Workout Playlist

Need a few new tunes to get you moving?  According to H3 Fitness Specialist Amber Shadwick, recent results published in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, reveal that plugging into paced (beats per minute) music increases stamina on a treadmill by 20 percent.


Download these favorite workout songs of your fellow H3 Guests!


1)  ‘That Song in my Head’—Julianne Hough (posted by Cheri)

2)  ‘Ain’t No Mountain High Enough’—Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell (posted by Debbie H.)

3)  ‘Crazy’—Gnarls Barkley

4)  ‘Piece of Me’—Britney Spears (posted by Emily A.)

5)  ‘Dangerous’—Abba (posted by Janice)

6)  ‘Heartbreaker’—Pat Benatar (posted by Taylor D.)

7)  ‘Stronger’—Kanye West (posted by Debbie H.)

8)  ‘Mamma Mia’—Abba (posted by Barbara S.)

9)  ‘Big Girls Don’t Cry’—Fergie (posted by Michelle B.)

10)  ‘Heartless’—Kanye West (posted by Allie)

11)  ‘My Life’—Rihanna and T.I. (posted by Rose F.)

12)  ‘That Thing You Do’—The Wonders (posted by Kathy F.)

13)  ‘Believe’—Cher (posted by Katha K.)

14)  'The Remedy' - Jason Mraz (posted by Laurin B.)

15)  'A Beautiful Morning' - The Rascals (posted by Debbie G.)

16)  ‘Just Fine’ – Mary J. Blige (posted by Kathy S.)

17)  ‘I Feel Good’ – James Brown (posted by John G.)

18)  ‘Lucky Star’ – Madonna (posted by Katha)

19)  Addicted to Love’ – Robert Palmer (posted by Nicole N.)


What's your favorite song to workout to?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tip of the Day

Select a wholegrain breakfast cereal with more grams of fiber than sugar.

H3 Recipe and Demo Video: Tuna Sashimi

Watch as H3 Sous Chef, Brandon Franklin, prepares this quick and easy Tuna Sashimi dish.  In 5 minutes or less, you can re-create this heart healthy sushi appetizer.



H3Tuna Sashimi


-  1 Sushi grade tuna steak, 5oz (raw)

-  1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce

-  1/4 cup sesame seeds, black and white

-  1 tablespoon sesame oil



-  Dip tuna steak in low sodium soy sauce. Make sure to coat entire steak.

-  Dip each side of tuna in sesame seeds.

-  Heat frying pan at medium heat and put in sesame oil.

-  Sear each side of tuna steak until golden brown.


Yield: 4 servings

Serving Size: 1 ounce (the tuna will lose 1oz after being cooked)

Calories: 196

Fat Grams: 5

Visit the Member's Only section of our website for over 200 healthy recipes!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Tip of the Day

Eat at the dinner table – steer clear of mindless eating in front of the television, at your desk, or in bed.

The “Goods” about Strength Training

Its “Good” Friday, why not be “Good” to your body?  Below are some very important reasons why strength training makes a “GOOD” difference in your quality of life:


Regular Strength Training:

Improves your ability to do everyday activities: The stronger your muscles, the easier it is to get groceries out of the car, get a package off of the top cabinet shelf, push the lawnmower, etc.


Improves your balance and stability: The stronger and more resilient your muscles, the more studier your balance. This will help keep you safe in daily activities as well as decrease the risk of injuries from falls.


Builds muscle strength: Adults lose between five and seven pounds of muscle every decade after the age of 20. Strength training helps prevent loss, and aids in rebuilding what you may have already lost.


Decreases your risk of osteoporosis: Inactivity and aging can lead to a decrease in bone density, leading to brittle bones, so brittle that even a cough could cause a fracture. Regular strength training can increase bone density and help prevent osteoporosis.


Reduces blood pressure: Strength training can be beneficial for the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure by strengthening the heart, allowing it to beat more proficiently.


Increases caloric burn: Strength training increases the body's metabolic rate, causing the body to burn more calories throughout the day.  The more muscle you have the more fat you burn!


For a full boot camp workout from Amber, check out our Facebook page here.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tip of the Day

Avoid caffeine late in the afternoon – its stimulant effect can last up to 14 hours ruining a good night of sleep!


GOT YA!  April Fools!


Today is the first day of April.  For many – that doesn’t really mean much – except the start of a new spring month.  For some – their inner jokester lets loose and the foolery begins!


If you were the butt of an April fool’s joke today – there is a good chance you ended up with a few laughs.  Hopefully you didn’t end up too upset, because after all, laughing is good for you!


Check out our 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 countdown of the way LOL benefits the body and mind:


 Physical Health Benefits:

1.  Boosts Immunity.  Increases immune cells and decreases our stress hormones.

2.  Decreases Pain.  Laughter triggers endorphins they may temporarily relieve pain.

3.  Guards Against Heart Disease.  Improves our blood vessel functioning while increasing blood flow.

4.  Muscle Relaxation.  One solid bout of laughter relieves tension and stress for up to 45 minutes.


 Mental Health Benefits:

1.  Alleviates Anxiety and Fear.  When you laugh there’s no way to feel sad, angry, or scared!

2.  Elevates Mood.  Who doesn’t feel splendid when they are laughing?

3.  Reduces Unnecessary Stress.  An opportunity to relax, allows us to focus and be in the moment.


 Social Health Benefits:

1.  Enhances relationships and group connections.  Keeps them fresh and exciting, creates an emotional sharing effect.

2.  Does away with conflict.  Lets us stop judging, criticisms and doubts fly out the window. 


 Number one:

1.  Laughter is versatile and contagious.   No matter what’s going on in our lives a simple smile goes a long way.  Plus it’s fun, free, and easy to execute!


So now that you see all of the healthy benefits of laughing – I thought I would share one more fun fact… In a study done by Vanderbilt University, they found adults burn an average of 1.3 calories per minute. Looks like it’s time to laugh it up!


Did you pull any April Fool’s Day pranks?  If not – were you fooled?




“Laughter is the Best Medicine” Melinda Smith, M.A., Gina Kemp, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., May 2009, http://helpguide.org/life/humor_laughter_health.htm