I’m sure you are probably tired of hearing “that’s no excuse” – whether it’s coming from someone else or even yourself. But the truth is we have excuses. There are reasons we don’t do the things we should do. Some of them may sound crazy, but regardless, they affect our ability to maintain our focus and motivation for weight loss.
Today’s message is not about “no excuses,” it’s about bolstering ourselves to overcome those roadblocks. So here we go:
1. You’re too sore from your last workout. Sometimes when we start a new exercise routine, we are so determined and ready for the change that we overdo it. Don’t go from couch potato to extremely-intense-exercise-maniac in one night. Oh, and warm up first.
2. Your grocery store changed its layout and now you can’t find your healthy favorites. Take a deep breath, you can do this. You’re not in a foreign land, they just changed your roadmap. Try narrowing your list to the essentials for now, and you can always go back later if necessary.
3. It’s too cold. The cold weather makes it harder to breath. Your hands a toes may get numb and your muscles tense to keep you warm which makes you uncomfortable… so workout inside today. Crunches, wall pushups, stairs… get creative!
4. My trainer moved. Okay, now I know this one can be challenging, but after all your time working with the trainer, you did learn some things right? Put those in play and begin your search immediately for a new trainer, I know that accountability can be critical.
5. I’m confused – are eggs good for me or bad for me? There is always new research, new studies, and many contradictions in the world of nutrition. Remember as Bob says, stick to the highway… no turns or dirt roads. As long as you keep the big picture in view, you’ll be fine.
6. The restaurant was out of the healthy option. As if there is only one healthy option. But in all honesty, it’s so easy to just throw your conscience out the window – I mean you made the first attempt to order healthy right? Just remember you’ll feel even better afterwards when you choose the right thing.
7. I’m sick and I don’t want to get worse. Exercise can be difficult when you are sick, but if you just have a head cold, sometimes a little movement can help you feel better. Lower your intensity, but keep your routine going by committing to doing something.
8. I forgot my lunch at home. This one is screaming the “eat whatever I want” free card. Make a list of at least 3 healthy options that are convenient to grab on the run.
9. My friend is always late for our walk. Workout partners can be great, but they can also throw you off course. Find a way to keep moving even when they are running late. Or… you may need to find a new partner.
10. No one else around me is trying to lose weight, so they just don’t understand. Write down some reasons other than weight loss that help you choose to eat the right foods. Telling someone you are eating yogurt and blueberries because you love them and they remind you when you used to pick them with your Grandpa just sounds more fun that because it will help you lose weight.
So have you used any of these??? It’s okay, me too. Here’s to a smooth-sailing 2013!!